About Us
Our mission is to help you detoxify your home in an affordable and convenient way.
Not only is making your own natural products, healthier and often more cost-effective - the monthly projects can also provide some much needed ‘me-time’ for busy women to slow down and relax while focusing on a positive task or share some time connecting with family and friends.
Find out more about how it works here
About Hello Sweetheart
Hi, my name is Annalea and I am the owner of Hello Sweetheart and a DIY addict!
As far back as I can remember I have always loved creating and making my own products.
Once I had all the materials on hand I could make my own products for less than what I could buy them at my local store or supermarket.
I was producing less waste and I loved the process and satisfaction that came from making my own products.
The more I made simple changes in my home from store-bought to homemade products the more improvements I could see and quickly discovered that there were other benefits as well.
I want to help you to control & choose what ingredients go into the natural products that you will be making. Which will be anything from simple household products to personal care products like soap, washing powder, skincare, plus anything else that you can put on your skin or use in your home.
I am hooked on natural living and want to help others to experience the same benefits that I have!
So, why subscription boxes?
I knew there were so many household and personal care products that were simple to make, products that everyone needed and could make easily make if they just knew how. If they didn’t have to go through the years of trial and error I had.
I had all these recipes, why not teach people to make and customise their own to achieve three simple goals:
- Rid their homes of unnecessary toxins and chemicals that were affecting their health
- Save money
- Reduce their waste
I knew I could teach people my tried and true recipes BUT from my own experience I knew there were boundaries to ‘making your own’.
- You usually have to buy in bulk so the initial financial layout is larger than picking up a product at the supermarket
- Finding the ingredients, ordering from multiple websites or driving around stores can be time-consuming
- By the time you’ve shopped around and done all the prep work, it can feel like a chore.
Hello Sweetheart subscriptions were born.
By sending the right amount of the supplies needed to make a monthly project it is affordable, you’ll learn life-long skills, all of the prep work is done and you’ll also have the experience to look forward to each month - a chance to unplug and relax while creating a healthier home.
I get a real kick out of making my own natural alternatives to everyday products and helping others do the same so if you have any questions, get in touch.